New Adventures

By P1nkdragen


For the past few weeks I've been very jealous of the husband's reports of the ducklings starting to appear along the canal on his commute home.  So, this morning I woke up early with him and got out on the bike just before 6.30 in the hopes that the canal would be pretty quiet at this time, and that I might spot come cute baby birds.

It was a pretty successful trip, there were a few joggers and dog walkers who obviously had a similar idea, but I generally had the towpath to myself (made me feel a little better about the LIMIT YOUR USE signs all along its length).  On top of that, I also saw many ducks with tiny ducklings, lots of geese of the Greylag and Canada varieties, some swans aggressively protecting their nests, a jay, lots of blackbirds, a pheasant that I nearly ran over on the way out of the village and a single gooseander.  Whilst gooseanders are my favourite water fowl, geese hold a special place in my heart for hissing at me on my morning bike commute, so today's blip had to be this mum and her brood on an empty stretch of the canal.  Well worth the early start.

Today's Soundtrack: Young Lion by Miles Mosley

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