What a great surprise today

Our boys said they missed Granny and Grandpa, and asked last week if they could come to see us, generally we see them even for a few minutes 2/3/4 times a week. So we and Mummy explained on the phone, but it’s not easy. So today after their trip out for picnic lunch/ beach fun and up to Le Guet where the two extras are taken, Mummy drove them here, So I sat outside, they stayed in the car and we chatted, I just wanted to scoop them out for a cuddle, but we kept our distance. Mummy asked do you miss Granny and Grandpa, yes they both said, then Mummy said or do you miss their toys more, Eithan said yes, but keep that a secret ;0))))) boys and their toys, it’s all about the old cars we have and the old bit of wooden road that our children and their cousins and friends all played with!

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