Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Mono Monday: Out of Focus

I had to do another shop today. It's funny how these mundane things are becoming a big deal now. It took me less than ten minutes to get the approval for my permit to move today. I only asked for an hour, so no wasting time.

The hypermarket was the busiest I've seen it so far. I do find shopping with a mask and gloves a huge challenge. Interesting that the Easter eggs hadn't come down in price at all, so good luck to them with those.

My blip is of all the price tags from the fruit and vegetable section which I decided to line up on the kitchen counter. No idea why; it was something to do with them before they finally got thrown away. G thought it was funny. I thought it worked well for today's mono Monday's challenge.

It's been overcast all day today. Not quite a sandstorm and no rain either. Maybe tomorrow. I got my guitar out today. The first time in ages. I don't think I'll pack it away. We had a bit of silly in the evening. G was looking for a video for the Awana kids. We ended up watching a few, er, preschool video clips! Some of them had very catchy tunes and attractive graphics. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

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