Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Lockdown Day 28 - Forget me Not

A day without cloud, but quite windy, making the afternoon walk slightly less pleasurable than hoped.

I had a parcel today, with some extension tubes for the Nikon Z camera so I could do some macro work.  I still have an F-mount macro lens, which I can use with the adapter, but for the price of these tubes, I thought it was worth getting them.  I have to say I'm pleased with my purchase.  They retain AF and aperture control.  I was just able to get some shots before the sunlight left the garden.  While I'd usually leave this in colour, I thought I'd join in the Mono Monday challenge, as this image seems to fit the brief.

Day Miles: 3.7 miles Total miles: 506.8 miles

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