
By seddon

So it begins!

I've had a very lazy day today as I'm working tonight. Spent the morning watching Disney films with Thomas and Chloe and then went for a nap this afternoon!
I didn't take any pictures, so this is a still from the video that Ben took of himself downing a pint!
Every year for St Georges day a big group of the lads go out drinking somewhere in the country.. the location changes every year. This year Sheffield would have had the pleasure of them, but obviously that's not going to happen now (lucky Sheffield!)
Instead they've got a WhatsApp group and every day from now until St George's day on Thursday they will each be recording themselves downing a pint and sharing it with the group. Quite why I'm not sure but at least I know Ben can't get lost, loose his phone or end up on a motorway slip road having done so (he's previously done all of these things after downing pints on the day!)

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