About to turn

By jMcLean


In the middle of Ashburn today, I found a boardwalk encircling a large swampy area. It was deserted (by other humans) but full of birds and mud and sycamore saplings.  Sat on a bench for awhile listening to the red-winged blackbirds and feeling like I was miles away from busy roads and suburban sprawl. 

It seems like I was busy today, but I'm having trouble recounting in my mind what exactly I did. I walked the hill with W. this evening towards sunset, got chatting with a couple neighbors and had to call I. to take the lasagna out of the oven. One of the neighbors was a sweet six-year-old boy who lives in the house at the very top. We learned quite a lot about their house repainting, the mini dog down the street, how he's six and in second grade whereas Shelby next door is seven and in first grade, and what time of day the cows across the way moo the loudest. All important information. Hope your weeks have started well.

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