~End of our Day~

Another day outside working.....To be honest I have felt very depressed today. I feel like every single day we are working without taking time for fun. I told Mike today that something has to change. We are retired and it seems like we have to go 7 days a week and I'm seriously ready to stop. The problem is if he works I feel like I have to. I'm not the kind of person who can sit around while your partner is working.
To top it all I lost 2 friends from cancer this week and one last month. 
I think this may have something to do with my thought of to much work and not enough fun. We could all die at any time and I don't think anyone wants to work them selves into the grave.
At the end of the day I did put on some good music and sit in the hot tub trying to ease my aching body.
Not trying to whine just getting it off my chest.

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