All things me

By KatiePie

Ice ice baby..

I don't think I did it justice with a few quick attempts to take a pic on my phone this morning before I defrosted the car to take the kids to school, but the patterns in the ice on my windscreen were beautiful this morning. The roads weren't quite so lovely with lots of black ice and the wind and rain ever since have been a bit tiresome, but at least there was something lovely to come out of today's weather.

It's been dreich all day.
Family dramas before school this morning.
Mr KP is going away for a few nights tomorrow to Amsterdam - he'll be getting up to leave at 3am. Oh good.
He's away all next week too, going even further away to Vancouver. Herumph.

I've been battling with the Meh for most of the day. All things considered I don't think I've done too bad. There have been ticks on the to do list.
Must try harder tomorrow.

Look at the beautiful patterns in the ice..

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