
...........................In the rain again! Honestly Cornwall must be the wettest county in the UK. It always seems to be raining.

Today we had a plan ..................... Ann had to go to Truro so she said I could go with her and then we would go for a mooch about and a walk at Port Isaac.

Well, it started raining so hard while she was shopping that she went into loads more shops than she had intended. And I had to sit in the car and wait and wait and wait ................ for ages.

Then when she came back she said we'd go to Portreath beach (instead of treking all the way to Port Isaac), and I could have half an hour of playing with my bouncy ball in the rain. She said I had to do lots of running because she wanted to tire me out quickly and then go home.

Well, I didn't want to play with my bouncy ball today. I wanted to roll on stinky things .................................. So that's what I did!!!!!!!!!!

To see Pendour Cove - Cornish P16 - Look here.

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