A little further

My absolute favourite place to walk is Pipe Hall Farm Woodland Trust Reserve. 

As soon as I was allowed to drive after each hip replacement, I headed to the car park and just walked there, in this fabulous woodland, thrilled to have my mobility back. 

It’s just under a mile each way to walk there, and I headed down there this morning. I didn’t go as far as the bluebells in Jubilee Wood, but I had a fabulous half hour rediscovering this glorious place.

The car park is closed. There is limited space for cars on the road by the entrance. I met Pepe and his owner and they showed me where to climb in. She told me they found this gap in the hedge after she’d scrambled under the gate but couldn’t get up the other side. Their walk is at a quarter to six every morning, before she drives to fetch her milk. 

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