Little Spots of Blue

Dear Diary,

My Scilla as well as my crocus are being "dispersed" around the yard but there is still enough to make a good showing against the old tree.  Fresh new life next to one who has seen so many winters come and go.  I've always thought it looked a bit like an elephant's skin, wrinkled with age.  It is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.  The only positive thing to come out of this pandemic is the way the normally polluted air over cities is clearing.  Perhaps we will come to appreciate the earth more after this is over.  Nature has a great ability to heal itself.  Will we?

“To directly perceive any phenomenon is to enter into relation with it, to feel oneself in a living interaction with another being. To define the phenomenon as an inert object, to deny the ability of a tree to inform and even instruct one’s awareness, is to have turned one’s senses away from that phenomenon.” ~ David Abram  
Practice for Today  Notice today how you’re dependent upon and influenced by the world around you - the relationships with the people in your life, as well as the weather outside, the food you eat, and the news you read. What do you see and do, who do you encounter, and what chance events occur? How are you defined by your relationships? On the flip side, how do you think you’ve impacted the world around you today?  What perceptions come up for you when you’re focused on seeing relationships rather than things? When you look at the world as a communion of subjects rather than a collection of objects.   Actually, now I look at my photo today, I think it fits the practice, finding relationship around you.  What do you think?
My impression of the view from my front porch from yesterday's practice.

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