Watching his Golden Girl...
She was playing on the grass, see extras.
It's clear to see from the first extra that Lola could definitely have been a show girl. The second extra shows why she's not :-)))
Another beautiful blue sky day and lunch sitting in the garden.
Please believe me when I say I know how lucky we are to have outdoor space at this time of lockdown. I wake up thankful every morning and count my blessings numerous times throughout the day.
David is getting out and about with Lola every day, but since I can't walk the length of myself, I am confined to barracks. I didn't realise that he had been feeling a bit guilty at being able to get out and about till he asked me at lunchtime how I felt about not having been further than the garden for a month. I was able to reassure him that I am absolutely fine. And I will remain that way so long as family and friends are well.
We also chatted about what a Covid-19 exit strategy would look like for us three and conceded that until a vaccine is widely available or it is shown the risk of catching it is extremely low, then this will be our existence for the foreseeable future, possibly into next year. 2020 will be the year that time forgot.
I feel happier for discussing this as I'm the type of person who likes to plan ahead and be prepared for what might happen. And on the bright side, money normally spent on summer clothes will now be spent on books and art supplies instead.
Every cloud :-)))
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