Neither Here Nor There

By Droog

Leisure In The Time Of Coronavirus

Despite having key worker status, I have been told to take some time off to avoid burnout (or an expensive build-up of flexi time), so I took today off.

After catching up on some much needed sleep, I fed MrsDroog and then took my new fitness tracker for a test hobble. After that, I did some light and terribly essential shopping, which involved queuing for as long as it took to test the fitness tracker.

Shopping was, for many sedentary British families, a combination of exercise and culture (at least in the yoghurt aisle), the highlight of their week, but it seems that the fun has gone out of it since lockdown has meant that only one family member can go at one time, thus preventing the children from driving trolleys like kamikazes and their parents from blocking the aisles while talking bollocks loudly to their friends or bickering over baked beans.

And we thought Coronavirus was all bad?

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