Snowy morning

It was great weekend....and that made Monday morning a little easier :-)
I will back blip the weekend as soon as I have a little time.
Days are busy but good - I just booked my summer flights and I am now on my way to meet BA - nice :-)

I took this on my way to work this morning - I knew it was the only time I would be out while it was light....God, I cannot wait for spring!! :-) I love the Norwegian red homes and barns up against the white of everything else....

I am in planning mode right now and need to make some decisions..... No hurry but my head is spinning a bit with possibilities and limitations- there has to be a balance between being sensible and yet not being a coward either, and Im not sure if I have found it. ....mmmmmmh....we´ll see :-)

Ive got to run...late!
Have a good night!

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