A dandelion border

Went shopping today first to take back the bashed dog food tins and then to get just a few bits. I only needed a few and the last but one aisle has the dog and cat food at the top so I went across the top and turned into the aisle I wanted, only to be told off by an old bloke who said I was going the wrong way and I had to go down the previous aisle then up this one, there were arrows on the floor, (I hadn't seen them my aim was to go in and out as fast as possible) so I said "whats the point when I only want this end"  then I turned my trolley round facing the right way, gave him a withering look (I can do that very well you know, it's my age) and carried on looking for what I wanted.. I wouldn't care but the shop was nearly empty they only let a few at a time in.

So seeing we had travelled to the supermarket in the car we continued a little further and took the dogs for a walk outside the village you see in the distance on the blip, you can walk on the other side of the road in the opposite direction up the road on a very wide grass verge alongside fields. Makes a change from houses and hard pavements. Lots of sniffs for the dogs in the hedge bottom. but these dandelions really caught my eye they were as far as the eye could see along with daisy's.

Then this afternoon  I sowed some wallflower and cosmos seeds. They were not new packets so may not come but I've given them try. and I did another hanging basket.

And that folks is my day so goodnight, sleep tight, I always say that to Tanzy as I come up to bed usually adding hope the bugs don't bite, that comes from when people lived in houses with thatched roofs and nothing between them and the thatch and sometimes "things" fell out of it onto the beds they were sleeping in. (Full of useless knowledge, that's me)

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