One More Step

By fiona169


This is the screen inside my car. I know everyone thinks this is how cold it is in Scotland, but really!? Think my wee car needs a trip to the garage!!

Back to the old routine today!! Nursery, school, Enjoy-a-ball, etc.

Mum and I visited Uncle Ross to wish him a happy birthday and fill them in on David's condition.

When I phoned the hospital they told me he is still stable, but the Doctor is worried he is not getting enough calories from the food he is eating, so he is to be tube fed to try and get the nutrients in. I've not heard how he is getting on with it.

I have spent some of today getting organised for our next trip to Guernsey and making sure all my other commitments like Junior Church are sorted out.

My early morning on Saturday and the worry of it all is catching up with me, hence the early post for me tonight. A lovely bath and jammies for me I think.

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