World Hold On

Today's been one of those really lovely days. I did some cleaning with Nate whilst Danny taught an online class and Asha did her school work. St George's day (Sant Jordi) in Ibiza is celebrated with books and roses, usually the boulevard we live behind is full of book stalls selling new and second. hand books, and single roses too. Obviously today that didn't happen! One of her school activities was to rewrite the St George story, her version had the princess rescuing the dragon. 
I cooked up some pimiento de padró so sooooo tasty with rock salt. They're my new favourite thing - and so quick and easy!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha and Nate playing really well together today - really patient with each other, lots of imaginative games etc...lots of laughter...
2) Pimiento de Padrón - obviously! Ha!
3) Nate's enthusiastic character. Tonight I put a soft blanket on his bed, he said to me with real feeling "I'm just living the dream Mommy!!" Hahahahaha!

We’ve heard the kids will be allowed out from Sunday, 1 hour and a maximum distance of 1 kilometre.

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