Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Mystical Mersey Morning

It’s been well over a week since I last walked down to the river, through my local park, for my daily constitutional. I feel safer sticking to a loop around my neighbourhood roads these days, as I encounter fewer people and find it easier to get out of the way of those I do see.

However, I’ve had a hankering to see some trees, some water and a decent view again, so I headed out straight after breakfast and was rewarded with this scene (and the one in the Extra photo, which is especially for Kendall) without having to keep my distance from too many other walkers.

Then it was back home to a day of back-to-back Zoom meetings. My workload seems to have picked up again this week after the last few weeks when it’s felt as though the world has been struggling to come to terms with the shape of this new reality. Slowly, new working practices are emerging (for those of us lucky enough to be able to work from home) and new projects are developing. 

But I’m missing my previous life a lot. So many of the people and places that I love the most are over on the other side of the river. Just a couple of miles away, but tantalisingly unreachable. 

Here’s Jimmy Cliff with ‘Many Rivers to Cross’ I’ll dedicate it to the key workers whom I’ve just been applauding from my doorstep; to everyone who’s currently unwell; to everyone who has lost a loved one over the past few dreadful weeks; and to all of us as we do whatever we can to get through it all. 

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