River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: #SaintGeorgesDay

My maternal ancestors originated in Lincolnshire so Happy St. George’s Day to everyone:-))
Gardening jobs completed today: potted on about 2 dozen assorted bush tomatoes; removed the net from peas planted in large pot & tied in twine for support; moved pots around and removed dead foliage.
Today’s blip: mixed lettuce & rocket seedlings at the top, sweet cicely https://www.wildfooduk.com/edible-wild-plants/sweet-cicely/ , purple snow peas https://specialtyproduce.com/produce/Purple_Sugar_Snap_Peas_12275.php and some of the bush tomato plants.
Finished the little knitted hat this morning, needs sewing ends in.
Remembered to go out at 8pm to clap our thanks with all our lovely neighbours x
Stay healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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