New friend

Edit: I changed the photo..... The original is now in the extras because I remembered what we did and wanted to swap the photo! 

Her daily ballet class has been at 10am for the last couple of weeks. It was at 10am on Monday. Today it moved to 3.45pm. I forgot and sent her to be ready at 9.45.... tooik me until 10.02 when she said "Miss Cara hasn't logged on even, mama". Back to the school work for Katie. In her defence, she didnt grumble at all and we made sure we were ready at the right time for the real class! She also did conditioning a bit later iwth her own ballet school. 

It's Thursday now that I'm writing this and already yesterday has blurred. I'm finding that I forget very quickly what's gone on.... a week seems a whole life time ago, these days! But I have now remembered.... I saw on Facebook a couple of shops near each other selling plants still. They happen to be near a nice cycle route so. I decided that's what we'd do for our exercise time. We went and picked a few then set off for a ride. We went down by the Hull, accidentally ended up in a village we didn't mean to visit. We cycled back in, tried to find a pasture we wanted to visit and couldn't. We gave up and went to the beck then found the pasture... And specifically, found the horses that have right to roam there! 

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