Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Lockdown day 41

Spent some time thinking/prepping for a lesson I have with a group of four students tomorrow afternoon on Zoom. They're ex-students I taught many years ago. We've kept in touch and they've agreed to take part in a lesson to experience one online and let me practise some of the tools. I want to screen share, use the breakout rooms, play an audio, and practise giving language feedback in a couple of ways. I'll give them some individual feedback on their language and I’ll get some feedback on what worked etc.

Made lentil and vegetable soup from the chicken stock I made the other day and then decided to have a go at making soda bread - result here, and we both thought it was very tasty! I used the Jamie Oliver recipe - easy and quick. Will make it again!

Bb is having a Scottish boys' night on Zoom tonight in the front room, so I'm having a quiet night in ;-) in our wee library area.

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