Dr Jones

By jones

Coffee and marble cup cakes

I put my running shoes on today but realised within 1km that it was not a good idea. My muscles were still sore and couldn’t complete my usual 5km (but wasn’t too far off). I should have listened to my body – I probably shan’t be able to run for ages now.
Poor Penny didn’t sleep much last night either. She said that she hadn’t slept at all but reckons she must've slept a little after I’d got up as she remembers a dream.
It was a really warm day today. Penny made some cupcakes – half of them were coffee (because that’s what Bibi wanted) and the other half were marble cake muffins.
By late afternoon, my ankles were really sore and I could barely walk. I don’t think I will be running again for ages.
Bibi cooked dinner tonight. We clapped for NHS at 8pm and then I had a Whatsapp video call with my Friday fizz friends (it was Lorna’s last day at work so we treated it as her leaving do).
Our neighbour Avril gave me some lemon balm leaves so that Penny could make some tea with them to try and help with her insomina.

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