In the pink
The ivy (and that stray climbing rose that somehow arrived) are finally outstripping the artificial ivy we put in last year to give us an idea of how the screen might look.
And it has finally stopped raining. If I had been blipping instead of moping around depressed about the weather, you would know that it rained from Sunday until today at some point in the afternoon.
Today was mostly work and a long ‘talk’ with CarbBoy about stuff (no, not that). A plant order I made in mid-March (“before”) finally arrived - including the final part of my birthday present from my family - a magnolia with my name! It had clearly flowered in the packaging, but still seems robustly alive so I have high hopes for next year.
In other news, I slipped on the (stone) steps this morning and bounced all the way down. In my defence, it was early, the steps were slippery, and my gardening boots are too big (and broken). So my whole right side is bruised and some bits of my left side too. No bones broken though. Ibuprofen got me through the workday, and I’m hoping the wine will get me through the night...
I imagine tomorrow will be a less mobile day!
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