Mr P's list #1

Mr P has been making a list of all the different birds he sees, while he's sitting at his laptop in the conservatory,  which is where he spends a lot of time. 24 since January. My challenge is to get photos of them all. This one was easy.

A lazy day while Mr P went for a 30km walk, you can see why I don't join him. Made apple and almond tea bread, read and sat outside taking photos of birds. Planted more seeds.

Day 35 
616 hospital deaths taking the total to 18,738.  Cumbria 1,584, oh dear that's 41 up on yesterday.
 Good to hear the number of people getting tested for the virus is being widened and mobile testing units are being introduced  We will not get to 100,000 test a day by the end of the month without something like this.  
A vaccine is being tested in Oxford. Contact tracing is going to be introduced, I am guessing once restrictions lift and 18,000 staff are being recruited to the effort.   I heard a pandemic expert talking on the radio , she said the 3 things that must happen to manage a pandemic is 1) increase hospital capacity 2) test 3) contact trace.  She congratulated the Government on the first one and said finally they are tackling the other two. Some contact tracing was done in February but it must have become too big a task without  extra resources. and it was stopped. 

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