Ring-a-ring of Daisies!

9°C  -  Feels like 6°C  -  15 mph ENE Wind Speed  -  19 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy with sunny intervals.  Finished cutting the grass this morning  -  left this crop of Daisies and mowed round them so I could blip them  -  took lots shots and liked this one best because it showed how they had formed a ring  -  that reminded me of the Daisy Chains we used to make when we were kids.  Daisies always remind me of the only two Daisies that I knew  -  one was Daisy the Cow that provided the milk that I was bottle fed on as a baby  -  no pasteurisation required then!  I had a photograph of her once that my Mum gave me  -  no idea where it is now.  The other Daisy was my best friend when I was in the Air Force.  We were stationed near Oxford and I used to spend weekends with her and her family in London.  Her father owned a Fish and Chip shop and made the best fish and chip suppers I’ve ever tasted.  Happy Days!

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