Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

At Home

Today, though feeling a little better, I stayed at home.  Don't know why I got so ill this time.  Maybe I should inject myself with disinfectant, that would sort me out - oops!  K shopped and picked up my meds and my daily exercise was lounging about reading ;)

This is one of the pair of blue tits nesting at the top of the so-called pergola just below my bedroom window.  I freely admit the background isn't perfect but it is such a joy to see them there. And I hardly had to get out of bed for this shot.

Not a lot else to say.  Hazel was very sociable, she always gets cuddly with sick folk.  And later on when I sat in the garden for a bit I watched a young slowworm slithering into the shelter of a cranesbill (yes, I do mean the flower, what were you thinking of?  ;)))

And that's the day done, in all its essentials, at least.  Have a happy evening, if that's where you've got to - and a happy day if you've not  xx

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