Going unnoticed

Hardly surprising they aren't widely recognised really, when you see their camouflage.  But there's plenty of them right now if you know where to look. The orange tips, on the other hand, have made a very conspicuous appearance today.

I ventured to the shops last night. It's Rich's favourite part of the week but he had to miss it as the live button was being deployed.  I gathered a few bits for us and stocked up for our Burley Buddies.  I delivered wine to their doorstep like clanking milk bottles this morning along with the rest of their supplies. We had a natter from a distance.  I popped round yesterday on my way back from my bike ride too - it's good to be able to break up the phone calls with a driveway exchange.

It feels quite surreal driving anywhere; going to bank some cheques was most peculiar.  I don't notice much has changed day-to-day as my routines haven't altered significantly but venturing into the outside world for errands is odd to say the least. 

The bank wins the award for the cleanest pin pad I've smelt and seen.

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