Rodents rule

By squirk

Evening song

This blackbird was in full tune on the evening walk through the woods of Streatham Common. 

We've noticed that it's got quite a bit busier on the roads and on our walks. We used to be able to walk into the road to give distance to people coming towards us but now the cars are more frequent and usually fast, too. This is a shame as I've become used to seeing wee toots on bicycles riding safely on the streets with their brothers and sisters and parents. It's not so safe now. I wonder if it's just people going out for a drive because the number of key workers driving into work wouldn't necessarily of increased. 

Work was busy, busy, but still time at tea break to pot on some plants and hope the molluscs won't eat them. Two of the sunflowers have poked out of the soil. I've never managed to grow sunflowers successfully – the squirrels usually snap them before they grow tall enough to flower.

I made baked rice tonight for some variety. It was OK but lacking in a few things (taste, mainly). We thought it would be nice with sour cream – will buy some at the next shopping trip. I seem to have made enough for a few meals so it'll be a side dish for a while.

Mum won the virtual quiz again. It was tough! I scored 1/10 in the sports round – oh dear. So Lockdown Quiz tally is Mum 3, Me 1. I have some swotting up to do.

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