Some Sort of Window to Your Right
I had a slightly stress-filled day today.
But I got to the end of it, in one piece, made a little trip to the supermarket for essentials - my first trip to the supermarket in 4 weeks.... nothing much has changed apart for the massive jar of santiser at the front door.
No fear I took my own hand wipes.
This morning, Tooli had headed out to Cosmo to paint and yelped... There was a strange object in Cosmo.... see extra. She said she had heard the noise yesterday but it wasn't bothering her.... so she left it.
And then here - one busy wasp building away frantically.
We read up. Queen wasp, who has been hibernating, comes out, chooses her space, chews up wood, makes papier mache builds nest; lays 200 eggs, and then they hatch, and take over building... leaving her to fill the holes.
It said best to remove them - if they are in an area where people are going to be.
It was with a heavy heart that Si lifted it from Cosmo roof and placed it on the Destroyer. Shortly afterwards, HRH Wasp came in and and looked for it, buzzed around a bit and left.
We put the nest in the recycle bin. It felt criminal to destroy quite frankly a work of art; but I remember living in a house with a wasp nest the size of a rugby ball at the door and it wasn't easy.
And look at that sky.... and the sea, and the sand.
If I hadn't managed to resolve my issues today, I think this would have worked its magic on me anyways. Absolutely beautiful
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