Sunny Honeysuckle

Today was the last sense, touch. We led the kids round the house blindfolded, then they had to guess various objects by feeling them. In the Park, we guessed flowers, leaves, feathers, and whatever we found. 

And then both kids had meltdowns over sticks, in a wood surrounded by sticks. Then Nana had a meltdown over kids having meltdowns over sticks. There must be a lesson in there somewhere.

Mike and I then got let out for good behaviour - and proceeded to spoil it by getting back too late, oh well. Still, had a great walk round Wall, a tiny village by some Roman ruins, on the way to Lichfield, too pretty to be true.  Loved the light through this honeysuckle round one window.

- that we are all still well; Paul heard today that one of the staff from the Home he works at has tested positive
- beautiful weather yet again
- forgiveness for failures

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