Thirty No More

By MarkusMeerkat

Sign O' The Times

Thanks to another Blipper (you know who you are Godmother of squealer), I had decided to start blipping on my 39th birthday. So my account was set up early in the year, and the first blip taken on the 25th January.

I had plenty of time to think about what I would take as my first blip, and the name of my journal.

However, it has taken my until today (day 4 of my blip) to spot one of the offending creatures.

Whilst walking today I seized my opportunity; much to the puzzlement men in suits on the way to their office, as I paused to whip out my Ixus for a snap of a road sign.

So here it is the big four oh! sign. As I didn't get it to be blip #1, the title would not have worked for my journal but will work for today.

But this is it.

What it's all about.

In 362 (I think?) days I will be 40. The big question at the moment though is not will I get to knock 40 things of my buckelist; but will I manage to take 365 blips.......

Watch this space.

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