Attending the virtual assembly
A photo by Bert, of himself Pippa and Abbie attending the virtual senior assembly. I was in another room as I had to present an Award in the assembly. This the moment Pippa received the Thinker Award. “This award is given to a student that demonstrates the ability to learn independently and who is genuinely curious about acquiring knowledge. S/he has both creative and critical thinking skills, using these to promote inquiry.”
This should have been a day full of fun and saying goodbyes for Pippa and her fellow seniors... the last school day before the exams would start om May 1st. In Covid-19 times things are looking so different. No exams, but still waiting until early July to know the results... The teachers saying their goodbyes in video form and the students prepared some messages as well. We do hope we will all be able to meet in person for a graduation ceremony...
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