Ripon's Cabmen's Shelter was built in 1911by Boulton and Paul of Norwich in 1911, iron founders and constructors of prefabricated wooden buildings - they produced the huts for Scott's Antarctic expedition. When modern motor taxis did away with the need for a shelter it fell into disrepair. Local councillor Rowland Simpson bought it in 1980 and donated it to Ripon Civic Society. The Royal Engineers restored it and fitted the wheeled steel chassis. Ten years later it was damaged by a lorry. Members of Ripon Civic Society spent more than £2,000 repairing the damage and repainting the Shelter over several months before presenting it to the City Council.
It was used for a while as a meeting point for local walking tours and as a place to display tour leaflets. This was never a satisfactory arrangement; at weekends, when it would have been most useful, it was never open. Nor did the unpainted boards at some of the windows help its look. The Shelter is now permanently locked.
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