... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Garden: Mission Impossible 2

More daring in large
Extras: Mason bee in broom & Tank trap & Mission Impossible 1

I initially put up MI:1, but it looked shoddy in blip resolution, so I've shifted it to extras...
I believe that this is a gypsy moth caterpillar. There were several of these tiny caterpillars dangling about on silk, but this one was using a spider's web to explore from leaf to leaf, and I caught it crossing several times (it chose to accept the risk...?). The (money) spider eventually felt the vibrations and followed them, but the caterpillar had found a leaf to explore so the spider didn't catch it.
Just took macro photos at home and in the garden; feeling wobbly so didn't dare take myself (& camera) out for a walk... Tank now has a pen to prevent him from attacking feet when people want to use his garden; he doesn't tire of trying to escape.

Today's others are here (or right from Tulip core)

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