Snapshots of reality

By ktbm

Two years....

Two full years on blip. It's taken me a month longer than two years due to missing blips, but that's mainly because I sometimes don't have the time or the inclination to post another rubbish phone photo! Fittingly this photo is of baking, which is something that happens fairly often.

Today I had two hours of lecture on Engineering in Medicine, then spent the rest of the day in the library. Home for tea, which ran over so I missed a talk that I was supposed to go to to show solidarity. Instead we watched Pointless, I made shortbread and I went to the gym to do:

10km in 21 minutes on the bike, then 2 sets 20 slow squats w/20kg, 2 sets lunges forward & back w/20kg, 2 sets 10? 20kg deadlifts, 2 sets 10 20kg upright rows, 2x100 russian twists w/8kg, some full range situps w/10kg, 2 sets 15 situps w/10kg, 1 plank 1:30, 1 plank 0:30, 4 press ups, 2 sets 10? row things w/16kg kettlebell, 2 sets 10 clean&press w/21kg kettlebell (each side), 4 forward&side straight arm slow lifts w/4kg, 2 sets 20 touchy feet things...

Sounds more than it is!

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