
By KatesGardenPDX

I Had Fun with the Bees Today!

A truly lovely day today! The weather was stunningly perfect - a soft breeze, high 60's F (20 C) and sun, at least for much of the day. After our Sunday walk in the Arboretum, I did some gardening, picked up our grocery order and went back out to the garden with my camera. I hadn't used my macro lens in quite a while (mostly too lazy to dig out the lens and change it) so brought it out.

I had so much fun! I'd forgotten how much I love that lens. I sat on a stool in the middle of the garden and patiently let the bees return to their tasks. Eventually there were at least a dozen on a small rhodie (with pink flowers) and this ajuga - a different variety of ajuga from yesterday's image. This is in my back garden, yesterday's is in the front. I believe this may be 'Silver Queen' but I couldn't readily find the tag (that I should have saved!)  Another non-aggressive variegated ajuga. I really like this, maybe even more than the pink form from yesterday. And the bees were kindly letting me take their photos today! Well, this variety did, the mason bees, which I have a house for, are far more wary and don't like me around.

Hope you had a lovely weekend...onto another week! Hoping it's a safe and healthy one.

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