The Pros Vs. The Cons

Should you be unfortunate enough to live long enough to need the kind of help and attention you'd receive here a lot depends on your physical/mental state.

We delivered a Birthday cake "over west" today, he wanted Gaffer to make him one big enough for handing round. It ended up in a 12" cake tin, to the time honoured Christmas cake recipe. (Ours is now 1/2 way finished BTW).

Anyway I spotted this on his bedside table.

On the face of it a full week. Then I got around to a proper perusal.

For most folk it'd probably provide a fairly full week and it seems that some poor soul draws one up weekly.

The old lad concerned has been stricken, so one arm and one leg fail to function: this immediately, more or less, rules out the 2 walks and the dancing, and being of the male persuasion I doubt the concept of flower arranging, baking and nail-care appeals greatly.

From what I knew of the lad in earlier years, most of the rest wouldn't move him much, today, for instance he was glued to a T.V. prog he confessed to not being bothered to change channels to escape. The schedule said either "Hand & eye coordination" or "Group chat and reminiscence",
neither of which he attended and not due to our visit.  OOPS! I just spotted the fact that it's last week's.

I keep saying my ambition is to wake up dead one morning. It's not so daft when you give it thought.
NOT that I have any great longing to hasten the event you understand.

In mitigation, I feel I must quote something I found online about the M.H.A. establishment he's in...

"When I walked into A****** without an appointment and saw how well run it was, I looked no further." This comment, made by a relative to the Care Quality Commission, suggests not only the professionalism of A*******'s staff but also the welcome sense of home and community that anyone living here can expect. Amongst the best care homes in Cumbria."

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