Early reflections

The sun soon vanished after seeing these early reflections and the sea mist came in. No complaints though we have enjoyed some beautiful days this month. I am helping to get a fishing boat back into the water this afternoon. Only licensed boats can operate at the moment. Most are not operating as their catch needs a market outside our borders. We have bought fish direct from the fishermen that are working.

Miss T is back to school and working hard on all the assignments her school is sending. It makes it difficult for her to go out and take exercise as her form tutor is constantly checking in. I think once they are sixteen and heading for A levels the constant monitoring can be annoying rather than helpful. They are mature enough to work in their own time frame.

The rain is supposed to arrive today which quite frankly will be a shock. I suspect it is because we are at last due to have our roof fixed. Just to make it awkward.

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