Lockdown: Day 34

A very early start. I was awake at 4.30 so decided to get up and try to book a click and collect slot at Sainsbury’s. It was a Sunday morning three weeks ago that I was lucky. A few mugs of tea first to wake me up then I sat down at my husband’s computer ….. mine’s still on a go slow. No slots showing. I tried again after 6 but still nothing. This went on throughout the morning with a spell when the site was down for essential maintenance. 

In the meantime I went to Tesco just after 7. A man was hovering nearby. “Excuse me dear” he said, “would you be able to do me a favour?”  I replied “Possibly”. He asked me to buy him some beer. I said sorry …. no. He then explained that he would give me the money but I said no again and headed inside. He’d gone when I came out. 

Later in the morning I cut the front lawn. I don’t remember the afternoon …… think I slept through much of it. By the time I realised I didn’t have a blip it was late so the garden came to the rescue again. 

I'm still backblipping

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