What Spring is all about.

Two more creatures in extras - the tiny green crab spider again with my finger for scale. It was in exactly the same flower as yesterday but I suppose when you're that small that's enough space to live in. I looked it up and it seems that it's probably a male. Also another Holly Blue, and a male this time. The one I saw a couple of days ago was a female.

I chatted to my neighbour between her upstairs window and my backyard and it turns out that her husband has had Covid-19 and is now nearly better, but not quite enough for work which he'd wanted to go back to today. I'd noticed his car hasn't moved for ten days or so and assumed that he was either furloughed or was looking after her, because she's definitely vulnerable with several hospital admissions for breathing problems over the winter even before this damn thing arrived, but she says she's OK so far. Fingers crossed for them.

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