Primroses (Day 1817)

I got on with the racking in the van this morning, and surprisingly I got phase one finished and it fits. Hurrah. I fixed it in place before stopping for lunch with  my beautiful wife. After lunch, we had a wander at Lyde where the primroses on the road verges are in bloom.
Later, when HV headed across to work I took the lawnmower and rotavator across to Mum and Dad. Their lawnmower has died so I gave them a shot of mine before the lawn gets out of hand. I made a start on carving up a bit of grass with the rotavator. It is one of the bits which has to be strummed because it is so lumpy. Hopefully it will be a bit flatter when it is finished. It is fairly hard going, and there were regular stops to remove stones which had jammed themselves in gubbins of the machine and stalled the engine.

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