Woodburn Terrace - and Stonehenge
This is my street, viewed from Braid Avenue, although you can't see my flat. It was early evening by the time I went out and beginning to get a bit hazy.
I've added an extra photo which was taken in 1967, and not by me. However, it's come out as dated today so I'm having it! My grandmother took it and you can see me and my two brothers at Stonehenge in the days when you could clamber all over it. We used to tease my younger brother about his skinny legs in this photo! It left an impression on me - a truly great site which lived up to its reputation. If you look carefully, you should be able to make out two heads at the bottom of the large standing stone on the left of the picture. I don't know what they thought of being included in the photo.
Back-blipped from 27th.
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