Lily palm

Hélène gave us this lovely smelling Lily of The Valley today - (so that the kids could see and smell it), they immediately asked if they could have it in their room. A while later I went in and they had created this (slightly odd) sort of shrine around it with various animals and a stone!

They’ve mostly played so well today - including first thing this morning when I went in and found one child with no clothes on (they were meant to be getting dressed) and the other photographing the naked one!! When asked what they were doing I was informed they had both already got their blips! (They were duly informed that you’re not allowed to post naked photos on blip!!) - apparently those weren’t the ones they were posting though... (neither actually has a blip account - I think it’s the influence of 3 out of the 5 adults in the house being regular blippers, and constantly stopping everything to “get their blip” or sitting down to post them!)

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