
By seddon


I don't think baby jail will work for much longer!!

Joe wicks this morning was difficult!! I'd not done it for nearly a week and I could definitely tell!
After Thomas got on and did lots of school work, including some very tricky maths and a lovely picture and some sentences about one of his friends. He also read some more of gangsta granny, he's nearly finished it now.
I went out to the shops at lunchtime. Got very annoyed with the countless idiots waltzing around in masks and gloves (which apparently means they don't need to stay 2m away from me) and then going in their pockets for their phone/purse/glasses/list with the same gloves on, touching their faces, taking their masks down to talk to people...
Meanwhile to conserve stock we're reusing our PPE for a full shift at work... Makes me so cross!!!
This afternoon I put Chloe's hair into pigtails... It just about works, and she left them in!
Ben and thomas washed the cars and then had a water fight (Thomas has been asking for one for ages!) and then played Manchester United monopoly. Thomas had a bit of a meltdown when Ben was winning, but they had been playing for around 2 hours and he was doing all the maths of how much he was spending, how much change he needed etc all on his own - so I think he was just tired! He was in a better mood by bedtime and we managed to play a game of Dino dump with him once Chloe was in bed.

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