Taking exercise

I had an early run to the supermarket on the bike. How nice to be able to go there and back without going on the roads (which are, as many have mentioned, getting a bit busier - there are also more people parked outside our building). Just a few people out taking their exercise.

When I got back, I had a yoga session, before settling down to a day that mostly involved reading paperwork for a wee job I've been asked to do. That'll be fun (in the sense of not being fun at all).

In the evening, we watched Twelfth Night from the National Theatre at Home. I felt it was a bit slow to get going, but, as trailed, Tamsin Greig as Malvolia (playing a woman with OCD tendencies rapidly unravelling) was marvellous. Other aspects to me were a bit meh. But worth it just for this original portrayal of the character - oh, so different to how I remember Malvolio being portrayed when I saw Twelfth Night in Stratford in my teens (many, many, many years ago).

During the play, my colleague messaged me with a few comments on the second version of the paper which she has kindly read for me - as always with that particular colleague going well beyond what would be merely helpful into the realms of stardom. That gave me my job for Tuesday (probably interspersed with more reading of paperwork).

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