Return to the North

By Viking


I did some teaching this morning (Book thief work with my cousin’s lad, followed by my year 12 Sociology class) and the day exuded to do my ‘daily’ walk allowance. For me it certainly isn’t daily. My knee wouldn’t hold up to a daily long walk but I try for every couple of days.
Today I had decided within about 500m of home that I was going to do the middle of my three circuits. This one is about 2.5 miles (3.5 if I add on an extra bit at the end). It wasn’t just laziness and the knee but also conscious of having enough time for lunch :-)
Anyway I can up by the church as normal and took some shots which wee lovely but then as I passed this tree I liked the clouds behind. I also thought how lonely the tree looked and perhaps a metaphor for life for some people at the minute. Isolation and loneliness are a modern disease exacerbated by Covid 19. I hope when this is all over we continue to communicate with our neighbours in the hope that we ease some of that loneliness

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