By lizzie_birkett

MINNIE Lockdown Week 6

I was weeding the mooring garden when I saw something move. I had thrown veg peelings out ready to dig in later. This little mouse had quite an appetitie for sweet potato. She kept coming out and taking more bits down the hole. 
I also put some dried fruit and apple into a broken dish on the wall for a resident lady blackbird.

I got as much done as I could out there but the earth is so parched and rock hard I could hardly get the fork or trowel in. I managed to plant the 'Peace' rose I bought in March and I transplanted the 'Blue Eyes' rose I bought last year so they can grow near each other.
The raspberry canes I brought from our last house in Dumfries are doing nicely - I planted some in the garden at home too.

Later on it started raining - a welcome sight for us gardeners! From 3 pm we've been inside and Frank lit the stove as it has cooled down considerably. 

Saw a few people walking along the tow path on the opposite side - all well distanced.
A cyclist was dinging his bell so he could pass a young woman at a safe distance but she had headphones in and was on her phone so totally oblivious to what was behind her. He ended up having to pass quite close.

Frank has spent a lot of the day practicing his fiddle in the bedroom with the door closed, which pleases Bella as she hates it and whines and howls.

Nearly bedtime. I'm starting a new Anne Tyler book :-)

Goodnight - stay safe :-)

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