Spot the ball

1. Get brand new ball from new* ball stash
2. Walk to the beach, Rosie v excited
3. Get to the beach, release the hound, she begs furiously for ball to be thrown
4. Throw ball, Rosie dashes after it, picks it up and runs into the sea
5. Rosie swims around a bit, drops ball
6. Rosie continues swimming up and down, ball starts drifting out to sea
7. Rosie spots ball while swimming lengths, gets it.
8. Drops it immediately
9. More swimming lengths.
10. I bid farewell to the ball that had been thrown once in its lifetime.

This is all fairly standard procedure normally accompanied by me shouting encouragingly from the beach to “Get the bloody ball!”. It did occur to me today that I am more bothered about the ball rather than my family member who I am quite confident can rescue herself from any tricky situations. I can recommend a sort of low tide beach in the evening after a rainy day. Was all fresh and completely empty.

Today was a good day. We managed to bring the ball home.

And even better, have managed to organised a spot of swimming for myself. Am beyond excited.

* old balls bought in large eBay quantities

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