Lala's Journal

By Lala


A real change in the weather, giving the garden a much needed watering, but ensuring a day indoors. I did a full clean through and walked  Dog in the morning. I then spent much of the afternoon on the phone or FaceTime, catching up with Megan (her manager has been diagnosed with Coronavirus and she is once again isolating) and various friends. It strikes me that those people who found the lack of work and lockdown tough in the first weeks have developed an acceptance now, and those who embraced it, getting on with Lots of jobs and chores are now finding it tougher. 

Collage- two shots of the mask that fellow Blipper friend E made and posted to me eventually arrived, the folds on opening revealing a sun rising from the clouds. The house sign that I really disliked - Mr L has cleaned, stained and painted. We live on the corner of two roads and delivery drivers often have difficulty finding us. I wanted a new sign, Mr L didn’t. He won, but renovated it.  I still don’t like the font, but he does and sometimes we have to let the little things go!
Banana Drizzle cake - I made two as I had lots of unused bananas. I spoke to Moira today, and realised how tough she is finding the last few days, so wrapped one of the cakes and drove round to her house. I left it on the doorstep, rang the bell and waited at the gate. We chatted for a few minutes and at least she was smiling. 

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