Today's Special

By Connections

Tiny Necessities

"Something from your junk drawer" is the theme for Tiny Tuesday this week, and I'm sharing one of my favorites: a tiny screwdriver and screws that are very useful for those who wear glasses, as I do.

Except for their brief outing here, the minuscule screws are safely ensconced in the plastic cover that protects the screwdriver's blade. This essential repair kit resides in the kitchen's "useful things" drawer, and is just one of the many practical objects that Phil brought to our marriage. I'm grateful for all of them, and especially for him!

MaryElizaR is hosting the April Tiny Tuesday challenge, and there are lots of intriguing entries this week -- take a look here!

[COVID-19 statistics for Whatcom County on April 28: 293 confirmed cases and 28 deaths.]

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